Ravijas Foundation as part of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and philanthropic activities is keenly pursuing lot of initiatives in education. With great honour we are taking care of the educational needs of students belonging to the less-privileged, under-privileged, low-income families of the society. Primarily our focus are in providing school uniforms, tuition fees, study aids, books, study tools, materials, stationeries, etc. Moreover students who displays excellence in studies are given awards. The physically challenged or disabled kids are provided with financial and educational aids.
Health Aids
Health is a major area of concern in the present society. The costs are always surging and the deprived find it difficult to pay for their medical crisis. Understanding this, we provide medicines, treatment aid, wheel-chairs, food, clothes etc for the disabled people of the low-income group of the society.
In every society there is the deprived who needs assistance in every way. As part of CSR, the deprived or the under-privileged of the society are provided with clothes medicines etc.
No girl child should be a burden to her family. Keeping this concept in mind, we financially support the daughters who's family can't afford a wedding. Our role is to support the girl and family by taking the financial burden of wedding out of their shoulders by meeting the expenses.
Natural calamities can occur at any time. When it arises, it is a time of distress. At this time we are ready with a helping hand. Be it food, financial assistance, clothes, medicines, make-shift-tents etc we will be there to provide all support required.